XT30 Connectors:
Compact, Reliable, Robust & Easy To Solder

by John Salt 

XT30 Connectors 250px

XT30 connectors are the smallest RC connector in XT's lineup, and as the name suggests (30), are rated at 30 Amps sustained, 40 Amps burst.

It's the perfect connector in my opinion for smaller performance collective pitch / 3D RC helicopters that have fairly large current draws but not much space up in the canopy such as the OMP Hobby M2.

OMP M2 XT30 ConnectorXT30 Connector Is Perfect For High Performance 200 Size RC Helicopters Like The OMP M2.

Like all XT style connectors, wires are soldered to small external hollow pins on the back of the connector that need to be insulated with heat shrink/similar afterward. This also makes them easy to unsolder and replace or reuse.

XT30 Connector Solder PinsHollow Pins / Cradles Offer Strong Mechanical & Electrical Solder Points

The Nylon connector housing is very heat resistant so all XT style connectors, including the XT30's are more forgiving to overheating and pin loosening while soldering on both the male and female connector housings.

One warning with all XT plug types even though they are polarity protected is they can be forced together backwards.

It's hard to do and I've never had one actually make contact when I accidentally try to plug them in backwards, but some report it can be done with enough force. Perhaps with the softer copies it's easier?

How to Solder XT30 Connectors

The video below shows me soldering multiple XT-30 connectors to build an XT30 parallel charging harness. 

As you can see, XT30s are easy to solder while also being easy to connect and disconnect. The split pin design on the male pin also make them very robust and good for many connection cycles while retaining spring tension and contact area, maintaining their high current handling ability after many cycles.

It's difficult to determine exactly when Amass Electronics CO. introduced the XT30, but I first started noticing them trickling into the RC hobby world back around 2008 when the EC2 connector was still the most popular connector in the 20 Amp current range. 

As mentioned, there are lower quality copies of these connectors on the market that are not as good as the original Amass ones, so be cautious of "too good to be true" pricing.

Genuine Amass XT30 Female ConnectorGenuine Amass

Genuine Amass connectors have the name embossed right onto the connector housing as shown here on this female XT30. 

Even genuine Amass XT connectors are competitively priced compared to other connector types which is another reason I really like them. 

Full disclosure here; I'm very biased toward the entire XT lineup in the 30, 60, and 90 sizes. They are all without doubt my favorite RC connectors in these Amperage ranges and have consistently been the best electrical connectors I've used over the past two decades bar none! 

XT30 Connector & Harness Links

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